Things to know about the 1FAMILYTREE web site
Please read this information about the data in the 1FAMILYTREE database and web site.
Things to know when reviewing data in the 1FAMILYTREE database;
Best Viewing - This web site is best viewed with a Firefox or Chrome Browser, resolution at 1280x800.
If you are using Interner Explorer, please consider using Firefox or Chrome. Here is a quick overview of the better page loading times.
Page | Browser | Avg load time (seconds) |
index | Internet Explorer | 4.088 |
index | Firefox | 3.949 |
index | Chrome | 3.781 |
surnames-all | Internet Explorer | 51.469 |
surnames-all | Firefox | 38.610 |
surnames-all | Chrome | 14.689 |
Surnames - Spaces have been removed for better sorting. Use Vandehei when looking for Van de Hei.
Searching - Better results when using less filtering. Use just a surname and not the full name. Or use part of a name like Joh instead of Johan, or artharin for Catherine or Katharina. Also try the Advanced Search, select the "soundex" option from the surname options list, then sort the results by birth date by clicking on the arrow at the top of the birth date column.
Zoom In and Zoom Out - The web site pages are designed to be fluid to adjust to whatever size monitor you may be using.
Additionally you can use the CNTRL + and CNTRL - to adjust the page text size.
Page Loading - Watch the tab at the top of your browser, if the page is still loading, the graphic will be spinning. Otherwise you should see
the 1FamilyTree icon.
Numbering - The main database uses a unique number to identify each person and each family.
Individuals start with a Capital I, followed by a number from 1 to 6 digits. (I654321 or I99)
Families start with a Capital F, followed by a number from 1 to 6 digits. (F123456)
Regarding the use of abt. (about), aft. (after), bef. (before), bet. (between), cir. (circa)
Due to the large number of people and the inheirent tradition of using the same names amoung families, I have chosen to estimate some of the data with abt, aft, bef, bet, cir so that the dates can be narrowed down for easier indexing. When the file has 25 "John Doe" it can be difficult to find the one you need. But if you have 25 "John Doe" and you dont have their birth dates but you did have the marriage date of all their parents, then the birth dates are listed as "aft. xxxx" (xxxx being the year in which the parents were married). So here are the basic assumptions I have used when using these estimators;
abt. (about) is used whenever the date is NOT exact OR complete; Dec 2008 is listed as "abt. Dec 2008"
aft. (after) is used for birth dates and estimates the birth took place after the marriage of the parents.
aft. (after) used in birth dates estimates the birth took place after the parent was 18 years of age.
aft. (after) used in marriage dates estimates the couple were married after the eldest spouse was at least 18 years of age.
bef. (before) used in marriages dates estimates a couple were married before the date of birth of any children.
bef. (before) used in death dates estimates a person died before the age of 100.
bet. (between) used in birth dates estimates a person was born between a range of dates when they are not listed on a census and are listed on the next census.
bet. (between) used in marriage dates estimates a range of dates from aft 18 years of age of the eldest spouse to some other date information from another source.
cir. (circa) used in birth dates estimates a spouses birth date is close to the same year as their spouse and is used only when no other estimated dates can be determined.
Database - The database is usually updated every Sunday night, but also can be updated at any time. You will notice the warning - Maintenance Mode is ON - during an update.
Login / Passwords - We have no access to your passwords. To reset a forgotten password, follow the instruction on the login page, or review the Log-in Help page
If you have other questions please check the FAQ page or email us at 1FAMILYTREE.